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Keeping Our Faith Community Catholic Strong

Rev. Timothy E Byerley, Ph.D

Catholic Strong is a campaign initiated by the Diocese of Camden to help ensure the financial stability for each of our parishes and address crucial needs at the diocesan level that are not able to be met through our ordinary income. The overall goal is $50 million. Of this goal, 70 percent will be returned to the parishes.

Individual parish campaign targets are based on 1.35 percent of a parish’s average ordinary income. Our goal here at St. Peter’s is $1,520,000. Of these funds, 70 percent will be returned to us for our parish needs. Once we reach goal, 80 percent of the overage will come back to us.

This campaign will last 3-5 years, with the annual House of Charity drive remaining in place. We will start Catholic Strong at St. Peter’s this September and attempt to complete it by this December.

Practically speaking, Catholic Strong will take the form of a presentation of parish needs over the next five years. It will require personal visits with parishioners, speaking from the pulpit, recruiting lay leadership, working with parish leaders to follow the campaign plan, and encouraging all parishioners to participate in this historic endeavor.

With deep gratitude,

Fr. Tim Byerley, Pastor

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