It is always important to highlight wonderful things that are happening in the parish. There are many, but I would like to mention one today: our Senior Center. This apostolate is a prototype for all senior ministries in the Diocese. Our center has been reviewed many times by the Catholic Star Herald and is presented to other parishes as a model.
The center is open five days a week from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., and includes a free lunch, spiritual exercises, games, guest speakers, special outings and events, arts and crafts, trivia, fitness training, service projects and so much more.
The spirit of hospitality and joy are evident from the moment one enters the building. As one senior who attends the center regularly said recently, “On my first visit (May 1, 2018) I received a warm welcome, a big hug and a smile. I continue to receive this each time I go.” This senior described how she feels at each visit:
I am with friends.
I am fed lunch.
I am spiritually enriched.
I receive love.
I go home a happier person.
I want to share all this love that I received with others.
What a great mission of Christian charity! We all know that the person driving the spirit and organization of this mission is our parishioner, Bobbie Bradley. We are so grateful for her dedication and commitment to this important work. Thank you, Bobbie!
If you have not yet or not recently been to the center, stop by. We are waiting for you with open arms!
Fr. Tim Byerley, Pastor