This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. It is a moment to reflect upon and appreciate the great gift of Catholic Schools in general and St. Peter Grammar School in particular.
The supernatural advantage of the Catholic school is undeniable. One author used the image of the “pickle in the brine” to describe the Catholic school effect upon its students. As the cucumber in the barrel of brine absorbs its flavors through prolonged emersion and whose flavor becomes indistinguishable from the brine, so students absorb Catholic values during their most formative years in the Catholic school environment. This emersion in a milieu of Christian life and virtue is priceless and cannot be substituted through any other education means.
Here at St. Peter’s we can boast of an amazing principal (Mr. Saffioti), administration and faculty, as well as school and parish community, which create an environment of unparalleled Catholic identity. It permeates every aspect of our students’ educational experience. And speaking of education, the vision, competence and professionalism of Mr. Saffioti and his faculty and staff are advancing the purely educational and extra-curricular dimensions of St. Peter’s School ever higher as well.
I encourage you to consider St. Peter’s School for your child. If you are searching for a quality education in a safe, moral and enriching environment that is founded upon and saturated with the fragrance of Jesus Christ and his Church, you will find it at 51 West Maple Avenue, Merchantville, New Jersey!
St. Peter, pray for our children!
Fr. Tim Byerley Pastor