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  • Rev. Timothy E Byerley, Ph.D

Wednesday Night Is Bingo Night!

Bingo is a game of chance that is played with cards having numbered squares that correspond to numbered balls drawn at random. The winner claims victory by covering five such squares in a row on one of his or her cards.

The game of bingo is held here at St. Peter’s Pastors’ Hall every Wednesday evening, except on holidays or when major events are being held at the parish. It has become a popular local pastime that attracts hundreds of players. They have a night out, enjoy themselves, and many go home with cold, hard cash in their pockets, won “fair and square”.

The teams of parishioners who operate our bingo program are amazing people. They are dedicated, competent volunteers who accomplish their mission with a real spirit of kindness and service. They make many personal sacrifices to conduct this program and always do so with a cheerful spirit. Why do they do it? Because they love their parish. In this mission, these parishioners raise tens of thousands of dollars that enable us to balance our budget at the end of the year! What a tremendous effort and blessing this is for St. Peter’s!

I thank these wonderful people in the name of our parish. Their efforts and sacrifices are greatly appreciated. If you are free on Wednesday nights and can lend a hand, please consider being a bingo volunteer. You will meet some extraordinary parishioners and collaborate in a very worthy apostolate. After all, I am sure you remember learning in your First Communion catechism that bingo is the eighth sacrament of the Church!

With immense gratitude,

Fr. Tim Byerley Pastor

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