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Now Is The Time For Mercy

Rev. Timothy E Byerley, Ph.D

Dear Friends,

Our world is deeply troubled and cannot seem to find a way to reconcile and heal itself. St. John Paul II identified the essential problem in the Church and in the world today as the “lack of peace”. He proclaimed that the only answer to this state of affairs is the Mercy of God! He challenged the Church not only to preach and practice mercy, but to implore God’s Mercy.

The holy Pontiff exhorted us to appeal to heaven for this mercy:

"Let us cry out to God’s own mercy for this present generation!

This appeal for mercy is love – love for God, whom modern man has rejected by his atheism and materialism; love for God, whose response to this rejection is forgiveness.

This cry for mercy is at the same time an expression of our love of God, from whom modern man has distanced himself and made of him a stranger, proclaiming various ways that he doesn’t 'need' God.

This then is mercy, the love of God whose insult – rejection by modern man – we feel deeply and are ready to cry out with Christ on the cross, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.'

It is also love for all mankind – each and every one of us.

This cry for mercy is love for all people, the care which ensures for everyone all true good, and removes and drives away every sort of evil."

This mercy from heaven is the only answer to the problems we face today. No other solution will right the lost ship of humanity. As St. Faustina declared, “Mankind will have no peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.”

In these days, my friends, we must turn to our Merciful Jesus and beg him to heal and redeem our broken world. But, we must do so with radical trust, professing with profound confidence, “Jesus, I trust in You!” Things that are impossible for men are possible for God. (Lk 18:27).

Fr. Tim Byerley



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