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  • Rev. Timothy E Byerley, Ph.D

House of Charity 2017: Encounter the Living God

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend, February 4-5, we initiate the Diocesan House of Charity drive. The standard in-pew solicitation is part of this kickoff.

As you know, the House of Charity is inspired by the challenge of Jesus to live the Gospel in a concrete way, caring for the elderly, the poor and the needy. Participation in this drive allows the donor to join tens of thousands of Catholics across the diocese to support over 60 ministries and services throughout Southern New Jersey. These include Catholic Charities, St. John of God School for the Disabled, special education services in our Catholic schools, health services, ministry to the deaf, support for our diocesan seminarians and our retired priests, youth and young adult ministries, and direct services to the desperately poor, to name a few.

It is comforting to know that 100% of the House of Charity donations go directly to underwrite these ministries. The administration and fundraising activities of the House of Charity appeal are not funded by your gift.

Our parish is also a direct recipient of the ministries and services supported by the House of Charity like the support of our seminarians, counseling and material support of our needy parishioners from Catholic Charities, and the care of retired priests who have served here at St. Peter’s. Also, we receive in return 10% of our goal when we achieve it, and 75% of every dollar over our goal for our own parish use.

St. Peter’s has a long history of generosity to the House of Charity. I strongly encourage each parishioner to maintain, if not increase, your donation to the House of Charity. It is the Catholic response to the Gospel of Christ, and it is also a matter of parish pride. St. Peter’s parishioners are outstanding in their Christian generosity, and we are known far and wide for this virtue. And so it must be in 2017!

With immense gratitude,

Fr. Tim Byerley




Campaign Prayer

“To encounter the living God

it is necessary to tenderly kiss Jesus' wounds

in our hungry, poor, sick and incarcerated brothers and sisters”.

Let us pray, as we strive to Encounter the Living God,

we use our gifts of time, talent and treasure

to build relationships and connect any disconnect.

Let us pray for courage and strength to encounter Jesus

in our brothers and sisters.

May we encourage an answer to His call to relieve the suffering of those in need.

Guide us to be generous in our thoughts and actions

as we work together for the House of Charity.


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