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First Sunday of Advent

Rev. Timothy E Byerley, Ph.D

Advent is the period of prayer in preparation for the great Solemnity of the Birth of Our Savior. The word “advent” is a Latin term which denotes the arrival of the emperor. It was adapted for religious use when the empire realized who their true King was; Jesus the Lord.

Advent has a two-fold character: it is a preparation for the coming of Christ in time and space 2,000 years ago, and it directs our minds and hearts to await the victorious coming of Our Lord at the end of time. It is, therefore, a period of devout and joyful expectation.

There are beautiful traditions that we have as Catholics for this season, like the Advent wreath, violet vestments and the O Antiphons.

The best preparation for Christmas though, is to make a good confession. To make this possible, we have increased our confession times. Please see these times below:

Confession Schedule - Advent 2016

Friday, December 16th

7:00 – 8:00p

Saturday, December 17th

3:00 – 5:00p

7:00 – 8:30p

Monday December 19th

7:00 – 8:00p

Tuesday, December 20th

9:30 – 10:30a

7:00 – 8:00p

May this period of Advent be a blessed time for you and your loved ones as we prepare for the coming of Our Lord.

May God bless you,

Fr. Tim Byerley



Below you will find prayers that you may say as you gather to light your Family Advent Wreath.

Blessing of the Advent Wreath

Parent: God of Wonder, send down Your blessing on our family’s wreath. May all of us who use it prepare a special place in our hearts for Christ’s coming. May this wreath and its light remind us of Christ’s promised coming. Send down Your many blessings on our family during this Holy Season.

All: We ask this in the name of Christ, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.


(One purple candle is lit. Then the following prayer is said.)

Parent: God of Light, come, be our protector and our guide. Save us from all danger that might threaten us. Come into our hearts with Your light. Fill our hearts with love for one another.

All: We ask this in the name of Christ, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.


(Two purple candles are lit. Then the following prayer is said.)

Parent: God of Light, stir up our hearts and come. Make us ready for the coming of Your Son, Jesus. As we gather around our family wreath, we remember God’s promise to always be with us. We know You are here, good and gentle God, and we thank You for loving us.

All: We ask this in the name of Christ, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.


(Two purple candles and one pink candle are lit. Then the following prayer is said.)

Parent: God of Light, come and enlighten the darkness of our minds. Be our strength and our guide. Renew us with Your love and help us to share Your love with one another.

All: We ask this in the name of Christ, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.


(All four candles are lit. Then the following prayer is said.)

Parent: God of Light, we continue to await Your coming into our hearts and into our Family. Come quickly so that through Your grace we may become more loving and peaceful.

All: We ask this in the name of Christ, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.

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