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Reverend Timothy E. Byerley, Ph.D.

Is Peace Possible?

Dear Friends,

The recent deadly attacks that have been occurring, both at home and abroad, are appalling. Whether they are motivated by terrorist ideologies, racial strife, domestic quarrels or even without apparent reason, these acts of violence are insane, inhuman, excruciating, and deeply disturbing.

We wonder if a resolution can be found that might bring an end to these catastrophes. We have seen the futility of military interventions, diplomatic overtures, expert advice from the mental health professions, new programs of education in the public schools, and new legislation aimed at curing these ills. None of these initiatives have succeeded in ending the bloodshed.

When no human solution exists, we must look for a divine solution. We have already received such a solution from heaven: Pray the family rosary for peace! We are frantically searching everywhere for an answer, and the Lord has given it to us through his Mother. But we have not embraced this heavenly remedy. We are busy about many things. We run from one activity to another, most of which are superficial. The average American watches five hours of television per day.

To say that we do not have time to pray the rosary as a family everyday is simply not true. Even if not every family member will participate, we must take up this practice. There will be no peace until mankind returns to the mercy of Jesus and the daily family rosary!

I exhort you to dispense with secondary concerns and carve out a time to pray the family rosary everyday. Do this, and you will be one of whom Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, Pray for Us!

Fr. Tim Byerley

Prayer to the Immaculate Queen of Peace

Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin,

Mother of Jesus and our loving Mother,

being His Mother, you shared in His universal kingship.

The prophets and angels proclaimed Him King of Peace.

With loving fervor in our hearts,

we salute and honor you as Queen of Peace.

We pray that your intercession may protect us

and all people from hatred and discord,

and direct our hearts into ways of peace and justice

which your Son taught and exemplified.

We ask your maternal care for our Holy Father

who works to reconcile the nations in peace.

We seek your guidance for our President

and other leaders as they strive for world peace.

Glorious Queen of Peace, grant us peace in our hearts,

harmony in our families, and concord throughout the world.

Immaculate Mother, as Patroness of our beloved country,

watch over us with your motherly love.


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