Confirmation Service Project Information
There is an ancient tradition within our Church of Candidates for Confirmation preparing to receive the Holy Spirit by dedicating themselves to Christian Service for others. Confirmation Students are asked to be willing to extend themselves on behalf of others in obedience to Jesus’ teaching: “I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me.” (Matthew 25:35-40)
2 projects during 7th grade year (each project is at least a 2 hour commitment)
2 projects during 8th grade year (one of these 8th grade projects is to be done with sponsor if at all possible)
SPS students may do service projects around the school, which are not on this list, as long as they get the signature of a teacher or principal.
Click FORMS button to describe your projects. Please give all info requested. Forms due a month before CONFIRMATION.
For the Witness Signature – they may be signed by the parish service coordinator(the adult with whom or for whom you performed the service).
If you received a letter for your service, or want to provide additional information about the project, please attach to the service project form.
TEACHER'S HELPERS SUNDAY CCD PROGRAM - Sunday CCD meets twice a month. The first meeting is a teaching meeting in the school. Here, volunteers will assist teachers and students in carrying our the lessons/crafts. The second meeting of the month is a community meeting and may sometimes be held outside of St. Peter. Here, volunteers will interact with teachers and children in activities/crafts. Times are 8:45 - 10:15 am. Report to Mrs. Vostenak or Mrs. Wiley. Dates available below.
ST. PETER’S ST. VINCENT DePAUL PANTRY DAYS– volunteers help Mrs. Pascale pack up food boxes, carry them out to the cars and interact with the families who receive the food donations. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, you’ll be carrying turkeys and gifts. The pantry is located in the Convent building. The dates are first come first served-four slots are open for each date. The time is 10-12 am, Saturday mornings.
Note: Volunteers are asked to collect coffee and laundry detergent to bring to your pantry day. These two items are highly requested but are rarely donated. Only collect these items from people you know and trust. Please do not go door-to-door to solicit these items.
ST. PETER SENIOR CENTER VISITATION DAYS – volunteers help Mrs. Bradley entertain, eat lunch and talk with the seniors. Volunteers can offer to share a talent/interest such as poem recitation, reading about a saint, sing songs or playing an instrument(center has a piano). You will eat lunch and talk with our seniors. Most of the seniors are widowed and don’t get around people very often. They will really appreciate your talking with and listening to them. Lunch provided. Time is 11am – 1 p.m.
OCTOBER ROSARY RALLY – volunteers will help Mrs. Bradley from the senior center by carrying chairs to/from the Blessed Mother pond area, by carrying banners and by praying the Rosary out front of the church with her and the seniors.
_____ Saturday, October 12, 2019, after 9 a.m. Mass
WINTER GROUNDS CLEANUP - volunteers help our maintenance staff, Keith & Jesse, clean up flower beds, rake leaves and other outdoor or church projects. So bundle up, bring your garden gloves and rake, have fun with your friends and help to keep St. Peter beautiful. Time 9-11 a.m. Report to the maintenance she next to the gym.
_____Saturday, November 30th –
CHRISTMAS CHURCH CLEANING – volunteers will work together, under the direction of Mrs. Lipenta, to polish the church pews and clean the vestibules. Please arrive as soon as you get out of school and can get to the church but no later than 4 p.m.
_____Wednesday, December 11th – 2:45 – 6:00 p.m.
HOSPITALITY SUNDAYS– volunteers will help Mrs. Bleistine set up, serve and clean up after the 9am and 10:30 am masses on Hospitality Sundays. Arrive at 8:30 am to cafeteria in church basement.
_____ September 9 _____October 27
_____ November 17 _____ December 7(Tree Lighting)
The following service opportunities are available through Sign Up Genius at www.stpeterschool.org (events page). Volunteer positions will be posted close to the event date, so please keep checking until they become available.
Christmas Bazaar – (Go to EVENTS page at www.stpeterschool.org)
Valentine’s/Special Person Dance (Go to EVENTS page at www.stpeterschool.org)
Mother’s Tea & Fashion Show (Go to EVENTS page at www.stpeterschool.org)
Movie Night & Ice Cream Social (Go to EVENTS page at www.stpeterschool.org)